## version $VER: FinalExecute.ct 1.2 (28.07.1997) ## language suomi ## codeset 0 ;Yes, what a senseless file,but it`s a broad hint ;-) ;If you are Finn, so please translate it, I would be glad ! MSG_NOMUILIB ;Couldn`t open \"muimaster.library\"\x20 MSG_NOICONLIB ;Couldn`t open \"icon.library\" V39++ !\n MSG_NOUTILLIB ;Couldn`t open \"utility.library\" V39++ !\n MSG_NOCXLIB ;Couldn`t open \"commodities.library\" !\n MSG_NOAPP ;Couldn`t create application !\nLow memory ? Or tried to start a second time ?\n MSG_NOMEM ;No memory !\n MSG_REQTITLE ;Error MSG_REQGADGET ;Okay :( MSG_REQBODY ;Cannot install as commodity !\n MSG_WBOUTPUT ;Output Window MSG_DESCRIPTION ;Replaces a well-known menu point ;) MSG_WINTITLE ;Execute a File MSG_BODYTEXT ;\x1bc\x1b8Enter Command and its Arguments: MSG_STRINGTEXT ;Command: MSG_OKAY MSG_CANCEL ;Cancel MSG_HEAVYRECURSION ;\x1bcToo heavy recursion level\nfor pattern-searching :( MSG_ABOUTTITLE ;About MSG_ABOUTGADGET ;Okay :) MSG_ABOUTBODY ;\x1bc\x1b8FinalExecute V1.2 1997 by Matthias \"Joulupukk\" Faust\x1b2\n\ ;\nThe final \"Execute command\" replacement !\n\ ;\nGreetings to IRC-people at #amigager.\n\ ;\nThis program is dedicated in memorial to Meeting Erfurt`97.\n\ ;It`s Freeware\nEnjoy it !\n\ ;Lamp.mcc/Lamp.mcp and all according files are Copyright 1997 by Maik\n\ ;Schreiber/\x1bbIQ Computing\x1bn\n\ ;Updates are always available at http://home.pages.de/~bZ/projekte/mcc_lamp/\n\n\ ;Datatypes.library V45 1996/1997 by Roland Mainz\n\n\ ;NewString.mcc/NewString.mcp 1995-1997 by Ruediger Sopp\n\n MSG_FREQTITLE ;Select dir(s) or file(s) MSG_NOTOPEN ;\x1bcCouldn`t open:\n%s MSG_NOWB ;Couldn`t open \"workbench.library\" V39++ !\n MSG_NOSIGNAL ;Couldn`t allocate signal(s) !\n MSG_ITEMSELECT ;Select item: MSG_INFOMATCH ;Infomatch: MSG_PRIORITY ;Priority: MSG_SHELLNAME ;Shell name: MSG_CURRENTDIR ;Current directory: MSG_OUTPUT ;Output: MSG_MOREOPTIONS ;Edit options... MSG_MENU_PROJECT ;Project MSG_MENU_ABOUTMUI ;About MUI MSG_MENU_ABOUT ;About MSG_MENU_HIDE ;Hide MSG_MENU_QUIT ;Quit MSG_MENU_OPTIONS ;Options MSG_MENU_SAVE ;Save MSG_MENU_RELOAD ;Reload KEY_CMD KEY_OKAY KEY_CANCEL KEY_MENU_ABOUTMUI KEY_MENU_ABOUT KEY_MENU_HIDE KEY_MENU_QUIT KEY_MENU_SAVE KEY_MENU_RELOAD KEY_MENU_OPTIONS KEY_MENU_ASSIGNSCAN KEY_MENU_INFOMATCH KEY_MENU_WBPATHSCAN MSG_KEY_NOTOOLNODE MSG_ASSIGNSCAN ;Scan assignlist MSG_NODT45 ;Couldn`t open \"datatypes.library\" V45++ ! MSG_WBPATHSCAN ;Scan WB pathes MSG_SELECTOP ;\x1bc\x1b8Select desired operation: MSG_OP_NOTHING ;|Nothing MSG_MENU_TOOLNODE ;Datatype scan MSG_LASTINPUTS ;\x1bu\x1bbLast inputs MSG_SELECTOP_APPICONIFIED ;Select desired operation: MSG_STACK ;\x1brStack: MSG_FLASHEXEC ;Flash execution KEY_FLASHEXEC